Innovations for health care
Unique product that has no analogues
High quality standards
Effective diagnostics
Modern methods of analysis
Helminth diagnostics
dispensed into tubes 0,2 / undispensed
Composition of gut microbiota
PCR test system papilloma viruses
50 / 12
SCR in tubes of 0.2 ml / TYP in strips

If you have any question about test systems 
please contact our specialist for more information                 

About company

AlphaLab was established in 2012 in St. Petersburg, Russia to satisfy the needs of clinical laboratory “Explana”. The department of molecular microbiology and genetics of “Explana” constantly received requests from clinitians about the need for a more in-depth diagnosis of various types of microorganisms and helminths. That is why we decided to establish a company that fast and efficiently bring to the market in vitro diagnostics products that will satisfy the expectations of doctors and patients.

Today AlphaLab is known as a manufacturer of high-quality PCR test systems for the diagnosis of helminth and protozoal invasions, intestinal and urogenital infections. Each of our products is absolutely unique not only in the Russian Federation, but also abroad. Our goal is  introduction of innovative achievements in modern science into public healthcare practice.

AlphaLab has partners in more than 30 cities of Russia, CIS countries.

В октябре 2023 г. прошел третий российский диагностический саммит, в рамках которого была проведена выставка «Диагнополис», объединившая профессионало...
Выставка состоится в выставочном центре «КРОКУС ЭКСПО» в г. Москве с 4 по 6 октября 2023 г.
Доступен для заказа набор реагентов для ПЦР диагностик ДНК вируса простого герпеса